Sunday, March 15, 2009

Going to Church at Overeaters Anonymous

I was on my way to church, I mean Wal-Mart, to get a ham, this latest gray day in Texas, when I came upon a sign for a group I should probably join before I balloon up to Macy's Parade Float size.

Speaking of Big People, Wal-Mart sure is the go-to joint if you want to see that sort of thing.

I did not previously mention it, but last week outside Sprouts Farmers Market I saw a butt on a woman that was even more astonishing than the one I mentioned seeing at Wal-Mart a couple months ago.

I know I promised I get photo documentation the next time I saw such a thing, and while I had my camera with me, there was no opportunity to surreptitiously snap a picture without being real uncouth. Sprouts is not the sort of place were Big-Butted people shop. I suspect this lady was coming out of one of the other businesses next to Sprouts. But likely not the Spa.

The thing that made the Sprouts Big Butt so noteworthy was it was attached to a very good-looking blonde lady who was very well-proportioned, except for a butt that looked as if 2 enormous balloons had been stuffed into her extremely stretched pants. I watched her climb up into her Ford pickup. I could see her Big Butt had her head hitting the roof. She wasn't very tall, so that was interesting.

As long as you've got me on the subject of Big Butts again, once more, this morning when looking at my FeedJit stats I saw there was an amazing number of people from all over the world coming to my blog by searching for the World's Biggest Butt. And once more the Big Butt searchers seemed to search in clusters.

Why is there such a world-wide interest in seeing the World's Biggest Butt? It's a conundrum I regularly ponder, particularly if I don't have anything better to think about, which right now should be lunch, which is going to be macaroni and cheese, fish sticks and broccoli salad. I'm trying to put on enough weight so I can join Overeaters Anonymous.

1 comment:

  1. The big butt searchers are surely being disappointed by your blog. Too many words and not enough pictures of big butts, don't you know.
