Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy One Thousandth Durango Texas Blog Posting

I did not realize, til minutes ago, that today I passed the number of 1000 of postings to this blog.

I think I am at number 1002 with this current one.

Appalling. I've pretty much written a couple totally incoherent books, if you put all the accumulated words into that type venue, since I started this very salubrious and enjoyable spewing a bit over a year ago.

When I started doing the blogging thing, I figured the novelty would wear off in a couple months.

My new estimate is I will likely tire of it within a couple years. Maybe.

In the meantime, I'm having a party tonight to celebrate that #1000 thing.


  1. Congrats to the enigmatic Mr. Durango. The first 1,000 are the hardest. kepp up the good work.

  2. Thanks Mr. Y. I'm enigmatic? One more word I have to look up....
