Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hiking Lake Grapevine & Costco

It's just half past 3 and I've already had myself a good day. I think starting the day with an icy swim makes the rest of the day much more pleasant than it would be otherwise.

Due to the temps being in the low 80s there weren't a lot of people out braving the cold at Lake Grapevine. So, parking was easily had.

I went to Costco before I went to Rockledge Park at Lake Grapevine. I needed printer ink. It'd been awhile since I bought printer ink. It was over $50. My printer cost less than $50. I also got a pizza. You can get a pretty good lunch wandering around Costco getting samples.

Almost all the sample giving people seemed to be old and German. And then when I went back to the food court to get my pizza there was a lady standing by the pizza window and I asked if she was waiting for a pizza. She also had a thick German accent as she said "I am #97, you are #96. Your pizza is ready, he just called your number."

I asked how she knew my pizza number. She said she was standing behind me when I ordered mine.

I wonder why there are so many old Germans in Southlake at Costco? Is Gar the Texan's latest wife moving a lot of her relatives over?

I hiked along the beach at Lake Grapevine. I like doing that. It's very relaxing. I only saw two odd things today. One was a rogue out of nowhere wave way out in the lake. The other was this guy on some sort of strange waterski that was sort of like a hydroplane. He'd hit the wake and do a total flip. I must have seen him flip a dozen times. Only on two of the times did the flip not work.

I saw gas for $2.57 at several locations in Grapevine. I didn't need any so I got none.

I got lots of good stuff at Sprouts Farmers Market, including a bag of something called Texas Sweet Oranges. My mom sent me home with a backpack stuffed with something called Arizona Sweet Oranges that were the best oranges I've ever had. I'm hoping these Texas ones are like that. I'm prepared to be disappointed.

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