Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dallas Cowboy Stadium Scandal Comments

The cases of victims of Jerry Jones and Arlington's abuse of eminent domain continue to work their way through the court system. The new Dallas Cowboy stadium continues to grow on top of the site of the victim's former homes.

The sense that something very wrong was done here continues to grow.

There has yet to be any sign that Jerry Jones possesses any form of a normal human conscience. None of the victims, so far, have been invited to the new stadium's opening celebration. Or a football game.

Meanwhile, this week I got a rare pro-stadium comment regarding the comments others have made on my website regarding the Dallas Cowboy Stadium Scandal. Previously pro-comments have been borderline illiterate and hard to understand. But this one was articulate and sort of funny. I also got a semi-pro-comment to my YouTube video of the stadium under construction, from one of the victims. This victim seems happy he was forced to move.

First the comment from my website, followed by the YouTube comment and the YouTube video being commented on....

"Wow what a bunch of whiners... I bet in the long run the people who object about the stadium are probably trying to get something out of Jerry Jones. Why don't you guys just give up and go on about your business. The stadium will be built and nothing you can do or say will stop it now. It's beautiful~ and I'm proud it's in my city. If you live in Arlington you should be proud as well. We live in a society of the majority rules (unless it's the Presidential Election) and the majority of people in Arlington want the stadium exactly where it is being built. You whiners probably live in Dallas anyway and can't figure out how Arlington Texas outmaneuvered in the stadium deal. I'm only hoping Jerry Jones has the balls to change the name to "The Arlington Cowboys" ~ Maybe I'll bring that up at the next town hall meeting."

The following is the comment on the video. It's more the norm of the pro-stadium comments...

"yay no more ranger's field fireworks blasting off right outside my window. city kickin us out had to be the greatest day off my life. mansfield is such a better city"

1 comment:

  1. Hey buddy, just wanted to say howdy, sorry we missed seeing you in Texas....My laptop died on me so I have been out of for a while. Hope you are well. We had a ball and can't wait to blog about all our adventures. Later, Lauri @ chippys
