Tuesday, December 11, 2018

New Wichita Falls Circle Trail With Golden Wheat Waves

What with the outer world warmed to a relatively warm temperature nearing 60 degrees this seemed like a good reason to go for a pleasant nature walk.

And what better place for such a walk than the Wichita Bluff Nature Area, designated specifically for such an activity.

But, today I did not make it past the sign marking entering the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

The new parking lot on the Circle Trail, located off Loop 11 on the south side of the Wichita River, is now open and ready to be parked on.

This new section of the Circle Trail soon terminates under the bridge over the Wichita River, awaiting funding to complete the Circle Trail from this location to Lucy Park.

Three orange barrels mark the current end of this section of the Circle Trail.

I forgot to mention what that is you are seeing in the photo at the top. Soon after walking away from the new parking lot one comes to a section of the Circle Trail where a wall of super tall wheat-like looking vegetation hovers above, blocking the view of the Wichita River. Scenic, in a waves of golden wheat across the prairie sort of way.

Let's end this look at the new section of the Circle Trail with the view from the bench I sat on when I decided I was at the turn around point.

Now, if only the local voters would wise up and realize it is a good idea to vote yes on funding the completion of the Wichita Falls Circle Trail.

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