Sunday, September 24, 2017

Last September Sunday Fall Biking Around Lake Wichita

It was to Lake Wichita I rolled my non-motorized wheels today on this mighty fine last Sunday of September, first Sunday of Fall.

The route to Lake Wichita is via the Circle Trail, which crosses Lake Wichita Dam about a mile and a half from my abode. It is almost another mile across the dam, then a gravel trail around the perimeter of Lake Wichita Park til that trail returns to the current southwest terminus of the Circle Trail, in the shadow of Mount Wichita.

From Mount Wichita the Circle Trail runs along the north edge of Lake Wichita. I stopped at one of the trail overlooks which looks over the Lake Wichita marshland to take the picture you see above. From the point of this overlook it is about another half mile to where the Circle Trail is once again on top Lake Wichita Dam.

The handlebars pushed into strong headwinds today. That makes for amping up the aerobically induced endorphin stimulation.

Yesterday I got my aerobically induced endorphin stimulation via once again hiking multiple times to the summit of the aforementioned Mount Wichita.

I hope if the Lake Wichita Revitalization ever gets into actual motion that the plan is altered to using the dredged lake bottom to make a few more mountains alongside Mount Wichita, creating a sort of Wichita Mountain range.

Mount Wichita was made from that which was dredged from Sikes Lake, way back late in the previous century. Sikes Lake is several miles distant from Mount Wichita. It seems it would make sense to use that which is dredged from the Lake Wichita lake bottom to make some new nearby mountains, with no need to haul the mountain material but a short distance.

Anyway, fun bike ride today. I may be using my motorized vehicle device to haul my bike to the D/FW zone this week, I think. I do not know if there will be any wheel rolling, what with the weather prediction currently being possibly wet...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you somehow always find yourself mired in problems in your own personal life, then you might not
be as good a difficulty solver because you might want
to see yourself as. I believe wisdom lives in us and genius is the
introduction of wisdom. Wittgenstein wrote, "When you are petrified of the truth, then it is never the complete truth that certain has an inkling.