Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hiking Around Lake Wichita Finding The Wichita Hill

On Saturday when I was in Lucy Park I asked a young lady who was womaning an information booth for the Texas Travel Center if there were any hill hiking options in the Wichita Falls zone.

She looked sort of pained and apologetic when she told me the topography is flat far into the distance.

I asked because when I moved to the D/FW zone late in the last century I thought that zone was flat far into the distance. I soon had that erroneous notion corrected with the discovery of the Cedar Hills in Cedar Hills State Park in the south of Dallas area.

Eventually I moved to far east Fort Worth and a few years later I discovered the Tandy Hills were practically in my back yard. I don't think I ever returned to the Cedar Hills after I discovered the Tandy Hills.

Today I drove to Lake Wichita Park. A closer destination than any of my park destination choices in the Fort Worth/Arlington zone, except for Mallard Cove Park and Quanah Parker Park.

I knew the Circle Trail which circles Wichita Falls circulated through Lake Wichita Park, so I figured I would find myself some trails to venture on in that park.

I parked at the first parking option when I got to Lake Wichita Park. An upaved trail exited that parking lot. The trail followed what looked like swamp. Eventually I got to what looked like a lake. At that point the trail became paved. I later realized this was the Circle Trail. Soon the Circle Trail passed by another lake.

At that point I had a small lake to my north and my south. I figured both could not be Lake Wichita.

Soon the Lake Wichita mystery would be solved, along with being pleased to find the Wichita Falls version of a Tandy Hill, which you can experience with me in the video below....

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