Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dodinsky Led Me Away From Arguing About The Seattle Mariners Winning The World Series

I do not know anything about Dodinsky. I suspect I could enlighten myself via Googling the name. I suspect he is a philosopher. Likely Polish.

Dodinsky's advice seems quite wise to me.

I have long subscribed to the Dodinsky credo without realizing it.

Just this morning I found myself in the oddest conversation in which the party with whom I was conversating was insisting that the Seattle Mariners have not only been in a World Series, but that the Seattle Mariners won a World Series.

And that this World Series win by the Seattle Mariners took place this century.

Now I am almost as much a baseball fan as I am a fan of soccer, but even I know, even though I pay no attention to the World Series, that not only have the Seattle Mariners never won the World Series, they have never played in a World Series. I believe the Seattle Mariners are one of only a couple MLB teams which have never played in a World Series.

How did I know the Seattle Mariners have never played in a World Series? Well. I remember the fuss made throughout the Pacific Northwest back in the 1990s, I think it may have been 1995, when the Seattle Mariners made it to the playoffs for the first time, doing well.

If the Seattle Mariners made it to the World Series, let alone win the thing, the fuss made would have been noticeable to me, even at my current location, thousands of miles from the Pacific Northwest.

An indicator of how little attention I pay to professional, or any, sports, is I learned only yesterday that this past weekend the Dallas Cowboys beat the current Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks. I do not know if this Seahawk whooping took place in Seattle, or in my neighborhood gigantic football stadium.

I must go Google Dodinsky now....

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