Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm In Detox

I went to Chinatown in Arlington today, to my favorite Asian Market, to get some Detox Tea from the resident Chinese Herbalist. I'm in Detox in a desperate attempt to cure my sleep disorder. Getting up at 2am is getting a bit tiresome, though I do seem to get a lot done, well before the sun rises. And after.

My Chinese Detox Tea has over 20 potent Chinese purification herbs in it. I'm having my first pot of Detox Tea at this very moment and I'm already feeling some Detoxing going on.

On the way back from Arlington I went to Village Creek Natural Historic Area to practice taking pictures with my new camera. Indoor pictures vex me. Indoors, the new camera is not nearly as good as my dead, antique camera. I think it is obviously user error and I'll figure it out. Maybe.

There is just way too much going on with this new camera. It is way too easy for me to get lost in the menu. It does take good outdoor pictures though. The trees at Village Creek are now totally stripped of their leaves. Big Oak trees look cool without their leaves, well, they look cool with them, too, but I like the stripped down look.

Speaking of being in Detox. My one longtime reader may remember when I came back from Tacoma, last summer, I was so perplexed by what I dealt with there, for months I tried to figure it out. At one point I wrote a blog about dealing with Toxic People in Tacoma. It did not occur to me, at that time, to consult my local Chinese herbalist about a Detox remedy.

And now this morning I got an email from someone in Tacoma asking me if I'd seen Tacoma's #1 Toxic Person, due to TTP being in Texas. I had read TTP was supposedly going to be here, but how could anyone possibly think I would see TTP. I'm in Detox, for gawdsakes.

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