Thursday, February 19, 2009

Decapitated Cactus & Brush Bash Prep At Tandy Hills

I decided this morning that I really do not get enough exercise, so I decided to go run up and down the hills at Tandy Hills Natural Area.

I figured I'd also check on the progress of the City of Fort Worth arborist's brush cutting project preparing for Saturday's onslaught of Tandy Hills Aficionados ready and eager to haul tons of brush to the road.

I ran and ran and ran over mile after mile of the Tandy Hills trails, looking for some cut brush. Finally, after what seemed hours, I came upon several clumps of Prickly Pear Cactus that had been sliced.

Surely this is not part of the City of Fort Worth brush cutting, I hoped. I continued on with my search. I looked on the west side of the main trail that leads from the main park entry. No cut brush.

I backtracked to the main entry part, that's where there is regular, planted and mowed lawn and a playground. Just a short distance after the planted lawn ends there is a seldom used trail that heads to the east and connects to more frequently used trails.

On that infrequently used trail I did find a small section where brush had been cut. If that is all the brush that needs to be bashed on Saturday, it doesn't appear it will take too long to clean it all up.

In the meantime I'm trying to find out if there is anything that can be done to save those decapitated cactus. In Arizona you can do jail time for decapitating a cactus, if it's a Saguaro. I don't know how they feel about Prickly Pear Cactus in Arizona.

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