Thursday, December 18, 2008

Foggy Fort Worth...etc.

Today started of with a zero visibility fog cover which had everything wet with slow motion drizzle, like a stereotypical day in the Pacific Northwest. But from what ocean is this Fort Worth fog coming?

I was in the pool, in the drizzly fog, before 8 this morning. I liked it. The view in the photo is well after the fog began to lift, taken about 2pm from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony. That's my official weather reporting station.

I left here about noon. When I got back here I was shocked, shocked, I tell you, to see "Pool Closed" signs on my pool. Apparently the city of Fort Worth has closed all the pools in the city. Why I do not know. Last summer they were all closed due to the outbreak of some parasite. I was in Tacoma when that happened. But why close them now? No one but me is swimming. I'm taking this very personal.

Neither rain, nor ice, nor bitter cold has kept me from my appointment with my pool. And now I'm to be stopped by the city of Fort Worth?

At noon my destination was Arlington, driving through the fog to Veteran's Park to do some walking and its attendant thinking. Walk/Think time is very important. At Veteran's Park a big statue has been added to the new Veteran's Memorial. It was impressive. Obviously that is what you see in the photo. That and the fog.

After I'd had enough walking I went to Chinatown to the Hong Kong Market. I got a lot of good stuff. There was something sort of disturbing going on in the Hong Kong Market though. The store has the usual piped in Muzak. It is usually Chinese sounding music. Today I could tell it was Christmas music classics. In Chinese. I heard Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, White Christmas, Jingle Bells and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. All in Chinese with the music part sounding very country western.

It is supposed to get back into the 70s for the next couple days. In the 70s and me without a pool. Life should not be this difficult.

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