Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Texas Tomato Salmonella

Great. I've not bought a tomato for quite some time. Mostly because I'd not seen any that looked all that good.

Actually the only real good tomato seems to be one I grow myself. Which I tried to do at my first location in Texas. That's how I learned about locusts. I did not successfully grow any tomatoes in Texas to the eating stage. Actually that isn't true. They did grow to eating stage, but it was the swarm of locusts that got to eat them.

Anyway, so I bought some nice deep red-looking roma tomatoes. Grilling burgers with tomatoes and onions with real sharp cheese seemed a good plan. And so I did so.

And now I learn there have been 17 hospitalized victims of Salmonella in 9 states, including Texas, that is being called the "Tomatoes Salmonella Outbreak." I guess in Texas it would be called the "Texas Tomatoes Salmonella Outbreak."

It's been almost 24 hours since I consumed the possibly contaminated tomatoes. I did thoroughly wash them before slicing. At least I think I was thorough. I have read that washing the tomatoes takes care of the problem. Why aren't they washed before they end up in a grocery store?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daaaaang! What's next?! Toll tags cause cancer?